13 Action-Driven Sales Closing Phrases To Seal a Deal

Think of a clothesline. 

You pulled the line tight. It’s a straight line. You can see clearly from Point A to Point B. But to serve its purpose, you hang clothes on it to dry. You secure those clothes with clothespins. 

But imagine that you attach one of those clothespins too aggressively. The line will snap. 

And imagine that you just let your clothesline sit out in all kinds of weather and circumstances. You never give it the time of day, any thought, or an iota of care. It snaps then too. 

Alright, so what’s the point of all that? What does a clothesline have to do with closing a deal, or succeeding in sales? 

Enter: our bad pun. 

A clothesline is like closing lines. 

Forgive our pun for a second and just think about it for a second… 

You need good closing lines in sales. If you use too aggressive of an approach with a sales closing statement, you turn people off. If you never give them a thought and use the first sales closing phrases that come to your mind, you turn people off. And it can end up being a laughable matter to your prospects. 

Keep reading for the best closing lines in sales. 

Most Effective Sales-Closing Questions

Instead of closing sales statements, consider asking a question or two instead

You have to go out with a bang. And you have to leave your potential customer wanting more. They can find that “more” when they buy your product or service. But how do you make them want to buy at all? 

Well, the best sales closing lines can certainly help. 

Below, you will find the five questions you can ask your prospects when you or your reps are struggling with how to close a deal. 

Later, we will get into a couple of other options with eight more closing lines that you can use for various scenarios. 

But let’s start here… 

1. “Should we discuss pricing now or later?”

One of the best ways for you to get your prospects to reach a decision is by narrowing down their options. Or, in this case, narrowing down their potential responses to avoid confusion and a lack of clarity. 

When you use closing lines like “should we discuss pricing now or later?” you are giving your prospect two options to respond with: now, or later. 

You cut out the chatter that comes with sales phrases for closing like: 

“Um, what time would be best for you?” 


“If tomorrow doesn’t work, maybe some time next week?” 

This is also a great transition point that will move your client from broad topics to where you want to be. That is, from talking about ROI and features or benefits to closing a deal. 

If you are going for subtlety, this might not be the one for you. But sometimes, subtlety is boring. In those cases, a clear question like this one does the trick. 

What are your thoughts on this2. “What are your thoughts on this?”

This question in the form of closing lines is not as clear-cut as the first one that we just talked about. 

But it is an empathetic way to close sales. 

And this is also a great way to figure out where your prospect is right now in their decision-making process. Then, you can know if this buyer-seller relationship is worth pursuing any further for the benefit of both of you. 

This is the point where a buyer who is sure they want to actually buy will say so. But a buyer who is still deciding will not be as assertive in their response here. They might dilly-dally around and avoid a clear answer to this question. 

If you have someone who has an “I love it and I’m ready!” as a response to these types of closing lines, great. But if you have someone who is not as positive about their buying decision, figure out why and go from there. 

3. “When can we begin the [implementation, training, etc.]?”

These sorts of closing lines are the best closing lines in sales when you want to push someone along the process without being a pest. 

“When can we start with X, Y and Z?” means that your potential customer will already start thinking about the end of the selling process. 

Think of it sort of like you manifesting their ultimate “yes” to the sale. 

This is also a great time to flesh out the timeline again and confirm that everything is on the right track. If they have any important changes in their timeline that you should know about, you can figure it out at this point. 

4. “If you get this solution at this price, is there a reason that would prevent you from doing business with us?”

Mind control might not be as far away as you think when you use this question for your closing lines. 

If your client says “no”? 

Done deal. You get someone who does not have any reason to refuse the deal that is on the table. 

What if your client says “yes!”?

Also great. Then, you have an opening where you can swoop in and address those issues. And most of the time, these are issues that you can solve pretty fast. At the very least, you have all the problems or potential problems for them on the table to address. 

No matter what the response is to these sales closing lines, you still have the chance to move your prospect along the sales process. 

5. “How about giving our solution a try?”

This one is simple. And simple is often the best for sales closing lines. 

Ace sales professionals like to keep things straightforward. And this instance is no different. 

This is a casual approach to closing a deal. But it is not so casual that it seems like you couldn’t care less about your prospect’s decision. 

It feels warm, friendly, and like you expect no answer other than “Yes!” or “Sure thing!”

These kinds of closing lines also give your potential customers the impression that there is not much of a risk when they agree. 

You are not saying something like “So will you pay me?” Instead, you are just giving them the opportunity to “try it out.” 

Give Your Prospects Multiple Options

Give Your Prospects Multiple Options

Here are some closing the sale quotes you can use when you want to give your prospect a couple of options, at least. 

This works for certain business models that do not need or want to pressure their prospects into an immediate sale. They allow you to take your time and show your buyer that you value their time, too. 

1. “Tell me what you and your team are thinking.”

This statement makes your sale more of a collaborative effort than anything else. 

Since you took away the “question” aspect and made this more of a “statement,” at first glance it might seem more demanding than those previous questions. 

But this is why you open the door to letting them share their thoughts, the innermost workings of their brain. 

It is another way that you can feel out where your prospect stands right now as they make their decision to buy or not. 

2. “I’m happy to follow up next quarter if this would be a better fit for your team/budget then.”

You never want to leave your prospect with an embarrassed feeling when they realize they cannot afford to buy this quarter. 

This is an empathetic and sympathetic way to tell them that you are there for them every step of the way. And, hey, you get it! Sometimes your team isn’t ready for a change, and neither is your budget. 

But you are there for them every step of the way. And if next quarter is more appropriate and feasible, you will still be ready for them at that time. 

It means you are not abandoning your pitch, and you do not expect them to either. 

3. “What happens next?”

This might feel like you are vanquishing all control of the situation when you use closing lines like this one. 

But it’s quite the opposite. 

These three simple words work when your prospect is hesitating to close the deal. 

Ask them, and they have no choice but to reflect on why they do not want to act now. And then, they will want to share those “why nots” with you. You can hop back in the driver’s seat from there. 

4. “Would you sign if we added the feature we were talking about, or is there something else that you don’t like?”

This might seem like a yes-or-no question at first. As it turns out, it’s anything but. 

It would be weird for a prospect to just say “Yes.” to this question. The same goes for “No.” As human beings, we tend to elaborate on our responses, especially if you phrase them like this one. 

This shows your prospect that you are more than happy to work with them and address their concerns with solutions. It gives you the chance to go above and beyond for them anytime they need you to. 

5. “Would you like to sign today, or would you like us to discuss anything else before you do?”

This is sort of a preemptive question, in the best way possible. 

It guides them through their decision-making process. And it does so by communicating to them that you think they are already on the path to signing right now. 

“Would you like to sign today…” shows that you are confident their answer will be “yes.” 

“… Or would you like to discuss anything else before you do?” shows that you are open to suggestions as you guide them. 

Sales Transition Phrases

Finally, we have a few sales transition phrases for you. 

It is not aggressive to the extent that it will snap your sales clothesline. But these will still get the job done while making your prospects feel comfortable with you. 

1. “Would you like my help?”

This is a question that almost nobody can turn down. 

It is kind, caring, and manages to still be assertive all the while. 

This makes your prospect feel like they are talking to a trusted friend or family member instead of a salesperson who just wants to make a quick buck from them. 

How do you want us to help you2. “How do you want us to help you?”

This is a bit of a variation on the one we talked about right above. Instead of “yes” or “no,” you are giving your prospect a chance to tell you the specific reasons they need help. 

And you can cater your solutions to those reasons. 

3. “Why don’t you give us a try?”

Again, we see that idea of “giving XYZ a try” instead of “making a payment” or “closing a deal.” This approach does not intimidate your prospect as much as words like “money” or “sale” would. 

Plus, it asks “why not?” And we both know that “why not?” is an effective way to actually get a quick answer to that question. 

Do You Know How to Succeed at Closing More Deals?

Closing lines, closing a deal, finding new leads. 

It never ends, does it? 

Nope. Sales is a recurring process, and there is always room for improvement. But that’s part of the fun. 

And at Selling Revolution, we can help you build a selling system for your company that will get you more closed sales every time. 

We know how to do it, and we can help you learn how to do it too. 

You can head to our blog to stay up-to-date with the latest news in your industry, or to explore more tips on how to succeed and grow in sales. 

But reading about those tips and seeing them work for your own business are two very different things. Luckily, we have you covered for both. 

Book a call with Selling Revolution today to revolutionize your own sales process.