6 Important Roles your Marketing Team Needs in 2021

Building a proper marketing team takes time and patience. When fully formed, your marketing team can work together to tackle anything put in front of them. Sales representatives have enough on their plate. Using a marketing team to draw in more customers keeps their efforts and practices more focused.

What Is a Marketing Team?

Marketing teams perform the essential job of getting the word out about your business. This includes spreading awareness through advertising campaigns, promoting products/services and performing public engagement. Many businesses have their own internal marketing departments. This helps the marketing team work in harmony with the rest of the business.

Modern marketing team structures look very different from the past. With the advent of the internet, the digital marketing team dominates most team structures. This kind of marketing team focuses on creating marketing materials for online platforms. 

What is the Role of a Marketing TeamWhat Is the Role of a Marketing Team?

Marketing teams as a whole have one essential function: attract customers to the brand. How they perform this function varies depending on the needs of the business. They may focus on creating and designing individual advertisements. Or, they may focus on finding sponsorship partners.

As long as the job involves getting customers inclined to make a purchase, the marketing team might handle it. 

What Makes a Good Marketing Team?

A good marketing team can handle a number of shifting and dynamic roles. They need to build trust with customers, promote products and services, generate leads and overall promote business growth. To perform all of these tasks, the perfect marketing team is diverse in terms of job function and point of view. Marketing teams need to think creatively to voice the company’s message in an interesting way.

The more team roles a marketing team can fill, the more dynamic their marketing efforts. From creating advertisement copy to designing and honing websites, a number of voices work together to build something new.

Important Roles of a Modern Marketing Team

Important Roles of a Modern Marketing Team

Modern marketing teams need at least these six key members to keep running independently. The team leader can occupy any of these roles, however this person usually just focuses on keeping everyone on task. A team leader can come from anywhere in your business so long as they have strong leadership skills. It always helps to promote a team leader from within each department.

Depending on the size of your business, you might need several members to fill each role.

SEO Strategist/Specialist

The SEO strategist and specialist goes beyond simply checking copy for search engine optimization. As the strategist, they focus on developing marketing strategies centered around SEO. This means creating an overall goal of their company’s online copy and working to ensure all pieces of the puzzle work to fulfill this goal. To operate as an effective SEO strategist, this team member must also be an SEO specialist.

The SEO specialist works on making online content more visible and easier to find from search engines. This helps your business’s website pop up first whenever someone performs a search with the right keywords. SEO specialists know the keywords customers will enter that relate to your business and which pieces of content to include them in. 

Many SEO strategists start out as copywriters or editors. Through this function they familiarize themselves with proper SEO practices, becoming SEO experts. To fulfill the role of SEO strategist, a team member needs to see the big picture through the details. 


The copywriter develops copy, taglines, website content and anything else that includes words. With their writing skills, they know how to communicate your message effectively. From writing blogs, to advertisement slogans and social media posts, the copywriter focuses on developing a meaningful message. 

You can also give copywriters the task of writing scripts for videos and commercials. The editor takes a more objective look at the work of the copywriter to make sure it is appealing. Editors also check for grammatical and spelling errors the copywriter might have missed during revisions. The editor makes sure the copy will fit the needs of the business and aligns with the marketing strategy.

Editors typically have experience as copywriters before moving to that new role. Anyone passionate and skilled when it comes to writing can fulfill the copywriter role. Formal education can help develop their writing skills but hands-on experience works, too.

Visual Designer/Graphics Artist

A graphic designer works as the artist for your team. They can create logos, website designs, product packaging and anything else related to art. Modern marketing calls for proficiency in some sort of photo editing software such as Photoshop. Graphic designers should have strong creative inclinations, as they will design unique and appealing graphics.

In many cases, the graphic designer will work very closely with the copywriting team, developing art that goes with copy. Keeping a graphic designer in-house helps you retain a specific and proper vision when it comes to your designs. You can often find freelance designers, but you might lose out on keeping their unique flair for future projects.

Artists come from all walks of life, and you can often find recruits with art and graphic design degrees. Ask for a portfolio or a sample from prospective designers so that you get a good idea of their skills.

Data Analyst

Whereas the copywriters and graphic designers work to create works of art, the data analyst works with hard science. They keep an eye on developing marketing trends both internally and externally to keep the business ahead. Data analysts look at current marketing performance to see which strategies need further refining. 

Data analysts work with the hard facts relating to performance. They have tangible numbers that they can look into to find exactly what works and what needs fine tuning. For example, they look at performance and then make determinations about what drives that performance. From there, the data analyst shares their findings with the rest of the team.

Web Developer

Every modern business needs a good, clean website if they want to experience growth. Websites help new customers find the business and also helps solidify your business’s professionalism. Web developers work to create websites with both fashion and function in mind. A proper website delivers all the necessary information while also providing customers with a simple browsing experience.

Web developers make sure the layout of your content flows in an appealing way. Skimping out a website design scares potential customers away, especially when they cannot navigate your site. As you create more content and continue to grow, a web developer will keep your website updated. They will also create all your landing pages as you create and implement new advertisements.

A web developer on your team helps create a cohesive design to all web pages. They can also help create social media profiles and sites to maintain a steady design. When everything matches, you can build a stronger sense of brand identity.

PR/Marketing Manager

Finally, the public relations manager works to extend your reach beyond traditional advertising platforms. Many consumers utilize ad blockers, skip commercials or just do not look at ads online. A PR manager can help increase exposure so you will not have to rely too much on one marketing facet. This includes working with news sites and other businesses to enhance your marketing efforts.

Additionally, PR experts handle the public perception of your business. This means administering polls to get a good read on what your business should focus on. Polling can give you a good idea of the overall perception of your products and services. 

PR management closely aligns itself managing the entire marketing efforts. Since they want to handle public perception, they will work with the rest of the team to promote uniformity. This way, your marketing efforts do not create two conflicting ideas, confusing the target audience. PR managers can help make sure your marketing strategy will function as desired.

Your Marketing Team’s Essential ToolsYour Marketing Team’s Essential Tools

Now that you have your team assembled, you will want to give them the right tools to succeed. Check out these five tools to give your marketing team the best chance to help your business grow.

Marketing Management Platform

A marketing management platform helps your business stay organized and on track. The marketing process can get pretty messy, as more projects begin and enter different stages. With the right platform, you can give your teams a way to keep everything properly organized. They allow your managers to assign tasks, check progress, handle budgets and deliver content.

DIfferent platforms have slightly different features that allow you to find one that best suits your needs. Check out this list of the best marketing management platforms.

Social Media Management Software

Nowadays, your social media presence matters just as much, if not more, than your website. Many potential customers will look at your social media profiles before they actually go looking for your website. Unfortunately, keeping your social media sites in line can take as much effort as running your business. As more social media sites keep popping up, social media management software helps you handle content across your sites.

This software enables you to create posts across several platforms simultaneously. They can also analyze your data to see which sites perform best. Additionally, you can see the performance of your advertisements to stretch your budget the farthest. 

Email Marketing Platforms

Email marketing reigns supreme when it comes to lead nurturing. In fact, email marketing works incredibly well for a much smaller cost than traditional marketing efforts. Using an email marketing platform can help you make sure your emails go out on time and to the right customers. They not only help deliver the emails, but also help you create the emails themselves. 

Good email marketing platforms make it easier for you to design the entire email, from content to links and pictures. They offer a good deal of templates to help match the look and feel you want to deliver. Check out this list of email marketing platforms, and find the one that suits you best.

Analytics Tools

To check in on the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, you need to use an analytics tool. Analytics refers to the data and statistics of your website visitors and advertisement engagement. Analysis tools show you not only how many clicks your website and ads get, but they track a visitor’s path. This way you can see where visitors go once they enter your website.

Analytics tools help you determine what works and what needs fixing. Using collected data, you can help your less successful marketing materials function more like the working ones. Check out this list of the best analytics tools for your business. 

Collaborative Editing Suite

A marketing team works best when all of its members can work together effectively. In many cases, you may need to have several team members work directly in conjunction with each other. Having access to a collaborative editing suite helps you improve team communication so your members complete their projects faster. With the right suite, each team member can share their progress immediately without getting in the way of their teammates.

Collaborative editing suites also help managers review tasks and projects. This way, your chief marketing officer can catch errors sooner. They also greatly assist marketing teams that work from remote locations. 

Building the Right Team

Selling Revolution can help you build an all-star marketing team based specifically on your business. We help businesses of all sizes increase leads, improve the sales process and recruit top talent. 

Schedule a no-obligation 20-minute phone call today. The sooner you reach out, the sooner we can help revolutionize your marketing process.