Facebook Lead Generation: How to set up a Campaign [+Examples]

Social media sites dominate the online marketing game. Facebook, like other social media sites, knows a lot about its users. What users click, share and like gets accounted for by Facebook’s algorithm. That makes the site ideal for placing targeted ads that appeal to those most likely to make a purchase. Businesses increase lead generation through lead ads.

Of all types of advertisements, Facebook lead ads continuously yield high results. They act as lead capture forms, collecting the lead’s information right from Facebook. These ads do not take the lead to a landing page, just a form for them to fill out. The Facebook ad template makes it simple to create these lead ads with a few simple steps.

How to Create a Lead Ad

Facebook makes it easy to create advertisements specifically geared toward the platform. On the Facebook page, click on Facebook Ads Manager. From here you can create ads, manage them and view data.

Next, hit the “Create” button and select “Lead Generation” as the objective. Facebook’s algorithm will place this ad in front of an audience more likely to buy your product or service.

Facebook then gives you two optional metrics to utilize for this ad campaign: A/B testing and campaign budget optimization. A/B testing refers to a selection process where visitors see two versions of the same ad and select the best one. Campaign budget optimization allows you to automatically distribute your budget to the best performing audience.

Then you specify your audience by age, location, gender and other demographic indicators. For best results, use automatic placements and let the algorithm work its magic. Once you set your budget for the lead campaign, you can go ahead and create your ad design. Ad design includes images, logos, copy and everything else your ad will show.

These ads function as the entire lead capturing device without taking the user to an external website. So the ad needs to give plenty of information and persuade the lead to submit their information. Deals and promotions work well, as do newsletters and free trials. 

As always, contacting Facebook works whenever you encounter any difficulties.

How to Create an Instant Form

These lead ads need to capture information from whoever clicks on them. To do this, you need to create an instant Facebook lead generation form. With your ad all set and created, go to the Instant Form section and select “New Form.”

From here, you can decide your Form Type, write an introduction, manage questions, your privacy policy and finally add a “Thank You” page. Your questions should correspond to the advertisement. But in general, you want their names, email addresses and other pertinent contact information. 

Lead ads intend to capture contact information for you to reach out at an appropriate time. Leads might sign up for a promotional offer or newsletter from the ad. Just focus on getting their contact information without scaring them away with too many questions.

9 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Get More Leads9 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Get More Leads

Lead ads need to entice the reader into filling out the prompted forms. To do so, the ad needs to function on its own. Here are some of the best ways to get more leads from your Facebook lead ads.

Offer an Incentive or a Free Sample

Everyone loves a good deal. From your lead ad, you can offer an exclusive deal to those who see it and fill out the appropriate form. Discounts, free trials, special bonuses or even free products persuade leads to click on the ad and complete the form. 

These offers and incentives work incredibly well for all sorts of businesses. Even if the lead does not decide to act on the offer, you still have their contact information. When a lead thoroughly enjoys your product or service they often return to make additional purchases at full price. Give a deal on one of your most popular items for wider appeal.

Keep the Form Simple

Ideally, your lead capture form should require only the bare necessities. The ad needs to retrieve the contact information from the lead. Usually, an email address will suffice. Asking too many random questions takes up too much time.

If you need to ask additional questions, keep them very simple and pertinent to the advertisement. You can ask them what product or service interests them most, but do not overdo it. The ideal form should take no more than a minute to complete. Any offbase questions such as asking for too much personal information cause the lead to exit out. 

Use Compelling Content and Formats

Since the lead ad acts alone it needs to do all of the heavy liftings of a full marketing campaign. Fortunately, you can deliver a lot more with Facebook ads. Feel free to add more copy than a traditional advertisement in a post-style ad. With a Facebook post, you can include much more information. 

Just do not go overboard with the copy. Include all relevant information about your offered product or service. Staying on a topic keeps the readers interested, increasing their likelihood of clicking on the ad.

The internet has tons of distractions, so stand out from the crowd with an interesting ad design. Capture leads’ attention with visually interesting and aesthetically pleasing ads. Then reel them in with information from a persuasive copy.

Ask the Question on Everyone’s Mind

Keeping your lead pool full of only the highest quality leads allows your sale to steady their focus. On the question form from the advertisement, directly ask about the lead’s interest. 

Ask the lead whether or not they encounter the problem which your business solves. You can present this question first to make sure you do not waste their time or yours. These questions help clear up any leads who may have misinterpreted your ad.

Additionally, you ask about their experience after providing them with a free trial or sample. Positive responses indicate a strong likelihood of purchasing later on. 

Build your Brand Through Videos

Build Your Brand Through Videos

The visual medium proves to enchant and engage audiences everywhere. Incorporate videos in your ads with aesthetically pleasing images and informative messages. 

A quick video tells a lot about your business and even allows you to demonstrate your products. However, you need to capture your audience’s attention within the first third of your video. All of your ads should include a call to action, so place this early on in your videos to reach a larger audience. 

Waiting until the last minute to place a call to action gets higher quality leads. But more people see the call to action when it is at the beginning. Overall, midpoint call-to-action placement usually results in a higher conversion rate. 

Consider User Experience Across Multiple Devices

Especially on social media, leads need to have easy access to all of your ads from both desktops and mobile devices. So many social media users browse exclusively from mobile devices including smartphones and tablets.

Any frustrating experience with your brand right from the start scares customers away, sometimes permanently. Make sure that your ads and forms function across all platforms as intended.

Sometimes advertisements or forms do not translate well over to a mobile device. Also, sometimes ads made on mobile devices cannot transfer to a desktop setting. So make sure all of your ads work for all platforms before rolling them out.

Target the Right Audience

Your ad money needs to bring in leads to make the investment worthwhile. When selecting your audience, focus on the types of customers who already buy your products. Targeting a group within your range keeps a higher return on investment.

Sometimes placing your ad outside of your target audience results in a few clicks and captured leads. However, are these leads really likely to buy, or will your sales team just waste their time?

Reduce your ad’s target audience down to only those high-quality leads. Spend your time focusing on leads likely to buy instead of grasping at straws. 

Automate Follow-Up Processes After Signup

People scroll their Facebook news feeds at all hours of the day and night. An automated response system allows you to engage with a lead and capitalize on their interest. Your sales team cannot operate 24/7, but an automated system can. 

Sending a confirmation email automatically reminds the lead regarding their engagement. You can present information on redeeming an offer or a link to your store from these emails. Any time wasted might cause a lead to lose interest.

Test and Optimize

Update and optimize your advertising campaigns continuously. Use data regarding the impact of your ads to gauge effectiveness. If an ad does not return the investment put into it, rework it or replace it with one that does.

Sometimes an ad just needs a little tweaking here and there for it to work. And even when an ad gives you results, constantly strive to improve it. 

You can test your ads with A/B testing before or after deploying them. Consider holding a tournament of sorts with multiple variations of an ad to find the absolute best one. 

Use these Successful Facebook Lead AdUse these Successful Facebook Lead Ad Examples to Inspire your Next Campaign

How Hubble Contacts Gained a Clear Market Perspective

Like any company, Hubble Contacts needed to assess the market before beginning. Hubble Contacts, specializing in the delivery of disposable contact lenses, needed to gauge interest in their product. They created a couple of lead ads on Facebook simply asking if people had an interest in ordering contact lenses.

Hubble used the data from their lead ads to gain the capital necessary for a solid launch. It worked, and the company still flourishes today. Lead ads allow you to measure market interest before even really getting started.

How Myra Reduced Sampling Costs

Handing out product samples can get expensive, as the skincare company Myra knew all too well. The problem with sampling inherently lies in the fact that you tend to give samples to low-quality leads. Using Facebook lead ads, Myra launched a targeted campaign offering free samples. 

This resulted in a huge reduction in sampling costs by over 70 percent. Since the ads targeted only those likely to buy, the sampling had a much higher chance of reeling in a customer. 

How Revel Systems Learned the Power of Optimization

In order to find which ad campaign works best, Revel Systems held various optimization tests. They compared lead ads to those linking back to a landing page from a website. They found a ridiculous increase in signup rates from the lead ads, which took visitors directly to a form. 

Once they knew the kind of ad to use, they created a multitude of variants to find the best one. Instead of rushing into a single campaign, Revel Systems took the time to find one that works. And the results paid off.

How Real Madrid Broke into New Markets

Football Club titan Real Madrid needed something to help them branch out from already established markets and into new countries. Using many testing techniques to find the right ad for the right market, Real Madrid launched their Facebook campaign. They created unique ads for each new market, taking the demographics of each country into consideration.

The results saw Real Madrid cut down its lead generation costs by more than half. Because of the high amounts of data available from Facebook users, Real Madrid’s campaign paid off in spades.

Getting Started with Lead Generation

No matter your business experience, finding new leads can always present a challenge. Thankfully, you can count on Selling Revolution to help. We focus on getting you better leads, improving your sales training and recruiting top talent.

If you need help with a lead generation campaign, contact Selling Revolution today. Get started by booking your 20-minute introductory phone call now, and start getting the sales your business needs.