How To Motivate And Influence People (Greene’s 18 Laws)

It’s no secret that human nature guides how we think, feel, and interact with the world. From the food we eat to the clothes we wear, our actions are based on subconscious cues.

And while we think that we’re in control of our destiny, our brains make decisions for us without realizing it. This is especially true when it comes to the way we spend our time, energy, and money.

We often don’t realize how much our emotions influence our choices about spending and saving. Experienced salespeople, however, know this all too well.

To change how someone thinks, feels, or behaves, salespeople must evaluate themselves and understand what motivates them.

But not all of us are experienced salespeople.

The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene explores the psychological landscape that drives how to motivate someone. Through a series of case studies and examples, Greene reveals how to implement the principles of human nature to influence others. 

The first step, however, is easier said than done. To create lasting change in your business, you’ll need to understand the psychology that drives others.

Robert Greene’s book is a great place to start. 

The Laws of Human Nature – 18 essential laws of human nature

In The Laws of Human Nature, Robert Greene explores motivation, habit and decision-making through modern psychology.

From personal relationships to professional achievements, Greene discusses that understanding how humans think and behave is the key to success.

When selling their products or services, businesses come across various initial objections. Understanding how to read people, however, is essential to being successful.

But how exactly can you motivate someone to overcome their own objections?

In this article, we’ll explore the 18 laws of human nature to grow and scale your business.

Law of Irrationality – Disassemble Bias

The Law of Irrationality states that people will often make decisions that are not in their best interest. This is because humans are emotionally driven.

In psychology, bias is a fundamental concept, and humans are often biased when making decisions. Identifying and recognizing bias is the first step to making more rational decisions. There are several ways to do this, but one effective method is to detach emotions from the decision-making process.

Initially, customers will be biased toward you, just as you are biased towards them. To disassemble bias, help identify the consequences and discuss them. After all, if you are not considering the potential consequences of your actions, then the decision is probably irrational.

If you find yourself constantly backing your business with bias, you may need to reevaluate your sales pitch.

Law of Narcissism – Form connectionsLaw of Narcissism – Form Connections

Humans have a natural capacity to feel empathy and connect with others.

With this, we often rely on our narcissistic tendencies to protect ourselves from getting hurt. When we do this, we wall off our emotions and become self-centered. This can lead to many problems in our lives and decision-making.

When dealing with clients, be sure to remain respectful and humble. Don’t let your views cause you to treat them poorly. It’s important to remember that we all have narcissistic tendencies to some degree. The key is to listen and provide objective information without being narcissistic.

Narcissists often have a high need for attention. This can hurt salespeople, as they need to listen to what the client needs and how they can help them.

Narcissists also tend to be very sensitive to criticism. This is something that needs to be handled carefully due to frequent objections. 

The best approach is to focus on the sale and how they can benefit. By implementing these tips, you can better deal with seeming narcissistic toward prospects or clients. You may also find that you can build better relationships with them.

Law of Role Playing – Identify Your Customer

Humans tend to put on a mask when they are talking to someone they don’t know well.

As a business owner, you need to be aware of this. To get to know what your customer wants, you need to understand what they are thinking. Try presenting yourself in an optimal way as this can uncover truths and build relationships.

Law of Compulsive Behavior – Understand Your Customer’s Needs

When deciding who to work with, you may ask probing questions to get a sense of their values and goals.

As a business or organization, you don’t want to partner with an unprofitable client. That being said, take time to get to know each other before making any decisions. Building a relationship of trust takes time, so be patient.

The ability to persuade and motivate others is a critical skill for any leader, but not everyone is born with it.

Wizard of Sales® holds the strategies to help you improve your sales skills, regardless of your industry. To see how we can help you close more deals and reach your quotas book a call today.

Law of Covetousness – Be Desirable

The Law of Covetousness is based on the principle of cause and effect. This law states that what you focus your attention on will become more important to you. In other words, constantly thinking about what you don’t have will make you unhappy. This is highly beneficial for businesses or organizations because they can target their advertising toward specific individuals.

With this, individuals who see the advertisement will naturally become interested in what is being advertised. The same goes for individuals who are always thinking about their next vacation or new car. Focusing on what they don’t have makes them more likely to take action and purchase your service.

Law of Shortsightedness – Create Long-term Success

Influencing potential prospects or clients to do business with you is an integral part of the sales process. Not every sale, however, must happen immediately.

The Law of Shortsightedness states that we tend to focus on the immediate future and fail to plan for the long term. In other words, investing time into accomplishing long-term goals is okay.

Set yourself up (or others) for the next sale. Take the ‘today sale’ away from yourself and everyone else. In this bizarro world of HVAC, you do the repair, not the replacement. Then you sell them a club membership and shower them in love until such time as they need a new system. 

Law of Defensiveness – Praise Client’s Self-opinion

To persuade someone, don’t boast about yourself or confront them head-on. Instead, focus on their needs and what they would gain by agreeing with you.

This law is based on the principle of self-defense. When we feel threatened, our first instinct is to protect ourselves. This is why a direct approach often backfires. When we feel attacked, we automatically put up our defenses and become resistant to persuasion.

To be an effective salesman, focus on the customer’s needs rather than your own. Don’t try to sell them on your product or service. Instead, show them how your product or service can benefit them.

Law of Self-sabotage – Have a Positive Attitude

While influencing others to purchase your project or service, you might encounter an unexpected obstacle: yourself.

Self-sabotage is a common occurrence that can prevent you from achieving your goals or sales. When you second-guess or question your abilities, it’s easy to get caught in a self-destructive cycle.

Fortunately, if you recognize and address the signs of self-sabotage, you can get back on track and achieve your goals.

Law of Repression – Be Honest

People are rarely who they seem to be. This may reign true for friends, family and even strangers.

But as a salesperson, it is especially important to be honest and transparent with your potential customers.

Many people are turned off by salespeople because they feel like they are being lied to or manipulated. Your goal should be to discover and confront any manipulation to ensure a growing and loyal client base.

Law of Envy – Spark Jealousy

Envy can be used to generate significant revenue.

It can also lead to cravings for things we cannot have and can be a powerful motivator. While selling your product or service, be sure to appeal to your customer’s sense of envy.

Use language and visuals that depict what others who don’t have your product are missing out on. Describe the luxurious lifestyle or exclusive experience they could be enjoying.

Law of Grandiosity – Understand Your Behavior

While discussing your product or service with a customer, it is crucial to know and identify the signs of grandiosity.

Grandiosity is defined as an unrealistic sense of superiority, power, or importance.

If you display any of the following signs, you may be coming across as grandiose. This will likely damage your reputation and  hinder your ability to close deals.

To avoid appearing grandiose, approach every client as a partner, ally, and equal. Make sure to avoid using any language that could be perceived as condescending.

Law of Fickleness – Be a leaderLaw of Gender Rigidity – Understand Your Role

The rigid gender divide is crucial to consider while selling your products or services.

As a male or female, you have to consider how your gender affects your interactions with potential customers.

How can you use your gender to your advantage? Are there any potential drawbacks to selling from your perspective?

Both men and women have unique strengths that they can bring to the table when selling. Discovering and understanding these strengths can give you a significant advantage in the marketplace.

Law of Aimlessness – Be Purposeful

The law of aimlessness states that you will not achieve anything if you have no goal. In other words, without a clear goal or direction, you can’t focus your efforts and will not make a sale.

While selling to a potential prospect or consumer, it is crucial to advance to make a sale. Without a sharpened persuasion skill set, the salesperson will meander through their presentation without real conviction.

Law of Conformity – Be distinctive, not just different (like everyone else)

Business owners often face the challenge of conforming to the norms and values of the groups to which they belong.This is especially true for small business owners, who may feel pressure to conform to the expectations of their peers.

Conformity can be a good thing. It can help businesses to operate smoothly and efficiently. It can also, however, lead to problems if they have to conform to unrealistic standards. Be sure to understand your goals and limits before you agree to conform to anything. And remember, you don’t have to conform to everything – most of the time it’s okay to be distinctive.

Law of Fickleness – Be a Leader

By respectively establishing your authority, you will likely find others willing to follow your lead. In sales, your knowledge and respectable nature can create a demand for your product or service. The bottom line? If you want to be successful, it pays to have authority.

While you may have to fake it until you make it, people are more likely to do business with those they perceive as knowledgeable and trustworthy. If you can position yourself as an authority figure in your industry, you’ll generate more leads and close more deals.

Law of Aggression – Control Your Emotions

Awareness of your aggressive tendencies is the first step to managing them.

In sales, anger will paint you as an unreasonable person who is difficult to work with. No one wants to do business with someone they can’t reason with. That being said, it’s essential to learn how to control your aggression.

Law of Generational Myopia – Be intentional

Law of Generational Myopia – Be Intentional

Generational gaps make a considerable difference in sales.

While elderly clients require in-depth explanations, younger generations are quicker to grasp new technology. As such, salespeople should be prepared to adapt their approach when selling to different age groups.

And finally, remember that everyone appreciates honesty and integrity no matter who you’re selling to. Be transparent about your product, don’t make false promises, and always aim to build trust with your clients.

Law of Death Denial – Create Urgency

While selling your product or service, it is beneficial to use the law of death denial to create a “fleeting” scenario. In this case, it will make your consumer aware that your opportunity can expire.

This is a powerful psychological tool that salespeople have used for years. Creating a sense of urgency can prompt people to take action they might not have taken otherwise.

Learning how to motivate someone takes patience and practice. Between generational gaps, personalized biases and more, you’ve got to be careful in how you sell.

At Wizard of Sales®, we have the knowledge and experience to get your sales team on the right track. Our sales experts can teach you and your team how to motivate someone to grow and scale your business.

So, if you’re looking for motivation, this is it.

Book a call today to learn more about our process or kickstart your sales growth.