Sales Training Topics

How do you know which sales training topics are right for your business? While your topics may vary, there are essential sales training topics that need to be implemented for every sales team, no matter the industry. In this guide, we will take you through our picks for some of the best sales training topics. 

Sales Training Topics

Sales training topics can range anywhere from prospecting to closing a sale to specific sales training topics for your industry. Sales training topics for car dealerships for example are going to be a lot different than training for marketing sales. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the representatives on your sales team is also essential when building a sales training program. 

List of Sales Training Topics

Your business is unique, so your sales training topics should be, too. However, there are universal sales techniques that every sales professional needs to know. Here is a list of common sales training topics across all industries: 

  • Organizational Background: Your sales team needs to know the history, vision, mission and structure of your company. Lack of organizational knowledge shows the client that your sales rep is either unprepared or unmotivated. 
  • Researching the Prospect: Prior to a sale, your sales rep should already know the potential client’s information, either through internal research or external sources such as their website or social media pages. 
  • Building and Maintaining Relationships: One of the most vital sales training topics is learning how to build and maintain relationships with current and potential clients. Connecting with them and showing you care makes them more likely to work with you. 
  • Knowing When to Let Go: Some sales pitches will not work in your favor. Sooner or later, you will get a hard “no” from a prospect. Teaching your reps when to let go and move on to a different lead is crucial for your company’s reputation. 
  • Your Sales Pitch: Without the right pitch, you will have a hard time getting a sale. 

Best Sales Training Topics

The best sales training topics will depend on your company’s goals, products, and services. Overall, the best sales training topics involve building a relationship with the prospect and maintaining that relationship throughout the sales process. Connecting with them, being aware of emotional pain points, and respecting their wishes are vital topics for your sales team to master. 

After all, the best salespeople are able to build and maintain a network of prospective leads and prioritize them based on the prospect’s willingness to hire you or buy your products. Clients want to feel appreciated and valued. They do not want to feel like they are just a name on a list. Take plenty of time to implement the best sales training topics for your team. 

Car Sales Training Topics

Car sales can be intimidating. The reputation of a car salesperson has a long history of pushy sales techniques and intimidation. However, with the right car sales training topics, your reps will be ready to get out in the field and talk to prospects. Here are some new and improved car sales training topics for your new salespeople. 


While this may sound self-explanatory, having enthusiasm and excitement for the cars you are selling is a great sales training topic. Enthusiasm is especially helpful for new salespeople, as you are able to rely on your personality while you are still gaining product knowledge. Potential customers do not want to talk to a boring, unenthusiastic salesperson. Buying a car is a big purchase, your sales team needs to make it exciting. 

Specialization and Prioritization

Like any other industry, each sales rep has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Why not place your reps with prospects who match their personality and expertise? For example, pair a sales rep who is passionate about a certain car brand and has a lot of knowledge about those vehicles with prospects who are looking at that brand. Look at the personality of the prospects themselves, too. Match them with a rep that they will get along with. 

Along with specialization, you need to know how to prioritize potential leads. Prioritization is crucial in car sales training. Some customers come to your lot ready to buy a new car, while others are there to browse. Focus on the leads that are more likely to succeed. If someone is ready to buy a car, serving that person should take precedence over a window-shopper. 

Hotel Sales Training Topics

Hotel Sales Training Topics

The hospitality industry has changed drastically since the beginning of 2020. Due to the pandemic, hotel sales teams have made a significant shift in their sales techniques. Prior to 2020, hotel sales reps were not hurting for leads. Business and personal travel were at an all-time high. Now that has changed, hotel sales reps need to get creative. Here are a few new hotel sales training topics that will help you navigate our current climate. 

Negotiating Skills

Money is tight for most people these days. Previously, your hotel sales reps probably did not do a lot of price negotiations. Training your sales reps on negotiating is an essential hotel sales training topic regardless of the economy. There will always be prospects looking for a deal, now more than ever. 

Knowing Your Prospects

Hotel sales are different from many other industries due to their prospects. Main prospects for hotel sales reps may include event planners, business owners or public speakers. With most business being conducted virtually, it is crucial for your reps to know how to find new prospects until things return to normal. Your reps may build new relationships with prospects you would not have had before the pandemic. 

Advanced Sales Training Topics

Today’s selling environment is much different than it was 10 years ago. Competition in sales is higher now than ever, meaning your sales team needs advanced sales training topics to stay ahead of the competition. Here are some new advanced sales training topics to include in your next sales training program:

Video Training

Video Training

According to a recent study, 70 percent of all internet traffic comes from video, making it the most popular form of content online today. Integrating video into your sales training is essential for staying ahead. Your reps have likely become experts at talking to clients through Zoom but do not be afraid to tweak your existing strategies to better suit a virtual meeting.

Along with that, ensure your sales reps are tech-savvy enough to pull up a video or share a presentation for a prospect whenever possible. These could be testimonial videos, product videos, or just a way for your prospect to get to know your company. 

Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity Training

The American workforce has become increasingly diverse in the last couple of decades. Along with that, our society as a whole is much more sensitive to social issues such as racial injustice, gender equality, and overall diversity. Implementing diversity and cultural sensitivity training should be number one on your list for sales training techniques. You don’t want your company to come off as offensive or out of touch. 

Sales and Marketing Training Topics

Sales and marketing go hand in hand. Your marketing and sales departments must coexist and work together to close as many deals as possible. When developing your sales training topics, an emphasis on marketing should be included too. Here are some common sales and marketing training topics. 

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media has dominated the marketing world for the last few years, and it should definitely play a role in your sales and marketing training. Your sales and marketing teams can work together to implement strategies, and discuss graphic design and sales copy. 

Start with training your sales team on how to use popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. If they are already active on social media, audit their pages to ensure they are staying on board with your company’s reputation. 

Content Organization

Your sales and marketing departments should be working together whenever possible. Inevitably, sales reps are going to need content to show to a prospect. Whether that content is an image, video, presentation, or infographic, your sales team needs to have full transparency on every piece of content used on prospective leads. 

Get your team organized by implementing content organization into your sales and marketing training. Ensure that your sales and marketing teams are on the same page and know where to locate relevant content, how it is used, and how it is created. 

Sales Training Topics- Overall

In closing, your sales training topics will differ based on your company’s specific needs, prospects and sales team. Training is the only way to develop and grow your sales. Train often and do not be afraid to try new topics if the old ones are not working. While some topics may seem redundant, it is better to be safe than sorry. Implementing the best sales training topics will help your sales team get the most sales possible.