How to Create In-Depth Buyer Persona (Customer Persona)

Working mom Wanda, Bachelor Bryce, Student Suzie, Technology Tom. 

What do these all have in common? They are buyer personas. 

Defining buyer personas is one of the most important steps in developing a buyer-centric content strategy. By taking the time to develop detailed buyer personas, you can ensure that all of your content is relevant and useful to your target audience.

As a result, you’ll see higher engagement and conversion rates, as well as a better return on investment for your marketing and sales efforts.

Now, you might be thinking: “That’s all fine and dandy, but how do we actually make one?”

It may be surprising, but it isn’t as difficult as it may seem. As long as you properly collect enough customer data and market research, you can easily create buyer personas that accurately represent your target audience.

So how do we get there? In this article, we’ll go over how to effectively gather the data you need, the type of buyer personas there are, as well as the step-by-step process of creating your own buyer persona.

What Exactly is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona, also known as a customer persona, is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. Creating one is an important part of any effective marketing strategy, as it allows you to tailor your content and messaging specifically to the needs and desires of your target audience.

Many different factors go into creating a customer persona, including demographic information, interests and pain points. By understanding who your ideal customer is, you can create content and strategies that speak to their needs and help you attract more customers.

If you’re not sure where to start when creating a customer persona, there are plenty of resources online that can help. Once you have a good idea of what your customer persona looks like, you can begin tailoring your content to match.

What are “Negative” Buyer Personas?

A negative buyer persona is someone unlikely to buy your product or service, for any number of reasons. They may have a negative impression of your company or believe that your product doesn’t meet their needs. They may also be resistant to change or are simply not interested in what you’re selling.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to understand who these people are and how to reach them. You may need to adjust your marketing strategy or even rethink your product altogether. But don’t give up on them — there’s always a way to win them over!

What Makes Buyer Personas Crucial to Every Business

What Makes Buyer Personas Crucial to Every Business?

Creating buyer personas is crucial for any business — it allows you to focus your marketing efforts on your target customers, and understand what motivates them. 

By understanding your buyer persona, you can develop messages and content that resonates with them, and increase your chances of converting them into customers.

Buyer personas are fictional, broadened depictions of your ideal customers. They include demographic information like age, gender and location, as well as psychographic information like interests and needs. Knowing who your buyer personas are is essential to creating effective marketing campaigns that speak to your target audience.

There are a few key reasons why buyer personas are so important:

  1. They help you identify your target market: When you know who your target personas are, you can focus your marketing efforts on that specific group of people. This increases the chances that you’ll reach your target audience and convert them into customers.
  2. They help you understand what motivates your customers: buyer personas are based on real data about your customers’ needs and interests. This information can help you create content and messaging that resonates with them and inspires them to take action.
  3. They improve your customer service: By understanding your buyer personas, you can provide a more personalized customer experience that meets their specific needs. This can help keep your customers happy and foster long-term relationships with them.

As you can see, buyer personas are a crucial part of any business, but to achieve the most optimal results, you need to establish an effective process. 

At Wizard of Sales®, we can help you create and implement buyer personas that will boost your business’ profits. Contact us today to learn more!

What are the 4 Types of Personas?

There are many diverse buyer personas out there, but they all branch from four main categories.

  • Competitive: This type of persona profile is always looking for the best deal and the lowest price. They are likely to comparison shop and switch providers often. At Wizard of Ads™, we call these people Transactional Customers. 
  • Spontaneous: This persona is comfortable making snap decisions and is often the first to try new products. They are easily swayed by emotion and gut instinct when it comes to purchasing decisions. We also know these customers as Early Adpoters.
  • Humanistic: This type tends to focus on relationships and personal interactions. They want to feel like they are part of a community or team and might gravitate towards loyalty programs or social media. Wizard of Ads™ call these customers Relational Buyers. 
  • Methodical: This kind of consumer is very analytical and tends to do a lot of research before making a purchase. They want to ensure they are getting the most value for their money. We lovingly call these customers, “Professors”. 

Whichever type of buyer persona your customers are, you’ll want to make sure your website and marketing materials are tailored to their needs. 

Use the buyer persona template to create a profile of your ideal customer, then use that information to create content and designs that will appeal to them.

4 Steps in Creating the Ideal Buyer Persona

Creating a buyer persona can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. There are four simple steps you can take to create the ideal buyer persona for your business.

Conduct Audience ResearchConduct Audience Research

The first step in building your buyer persona is to conduct audience research. This involves understanding your target market and learning everything you can about them, including: 

  • Income
  • Profession
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Behavior
  • Demographics

You can gather this information in a variety of ways. One way is to look at your current customer base. What are the common characteristics of your best customers? You can also survey your audience or use social media listening tools to get a sense of what people are talking about.

Once you have a good concept of your target market, you can begin creating buyer personas that represent them. These personas will help you better recognize your customers and how to reach them.

Learn Customer Pain PointsLearn Customer Pain Points

Next, you’ll need to learn your customers’ pain points. This means understanding what’s important to them and what keeps them up at night. You can do this by:

  • Conducting customer interviews.
  • Surveying your customers.
  • Reading online reviews.
  • Checking social media channels.
  • Asking your sales team or partners what they’ve heard from customers.
  • Examining support tickets or feedback forms.
  • Watching how customers interact with your product or service.

Once you have a good understanding of your customers’ pain points, you become one step closer to accurately building your buyer persona and create content that resonates with them.

Ask Questions for Each Type of Pain Point

Once you know your buyer persona’s pain points, you’ll want to ask a series of questions for each type of pain point. 

Some buyer personas may have several pain points, while others may only have one. It’s important to ask questions for each type of pain point to get a comprehensive understanding of your buyer persona’s needs.

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What are your biggest challenges when it comes to _____?
  • What are your biggest frustrations with _____?
  • What are your biggest goals when it comes to _____?
  • What is most important to you when it comes to _____?
  • How do you feel about _____?

These questions will assist you with understanding your buyer persona’s needs and desires and will give you the knowledge you need to create content that speaks to them directly.

Create Messages Tailored to your Persona 

Lastly, it’s time to formulate messages that are tailored to your marketing persona. You’ll want to use the buyer persona’s keywords throughout your content, as well as include information that is relevant to their needs.

To find the right keywords, you can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool will help you find keywords related to your products or services, and it will also show you how often those keywords are being searched for online.

Once you have your keywords, make sure to use them throughout your content in a way that is both relevant and interesting to your buyer persona.

When creating content, be sure to consider the buyer persona’s stage in the buyer’s journey. Are they just starting to become aware of their problem, or are they already looking for a solution? Your content should be tailored to the buyer persona’s needs at each stage of the buyer’s journey.

By doing this, you’ll be able to create content that is relevant to your buyer persona and that speaks to their needs. And when you do this consistently, you’ll start to see a difference in your website traffic, leads and sales.


By keeping your buyer persona in mind when creating your content marketing strategy, you’ll be sure to see improved results. 

Remember, it’s important to tailor your content specifically for each stage of the buying process. 

This is where Wizard of Sales® can help. We can build accurate and dynamic buyer personas for you, so you know exactly who you’re targeting with your content. 

Contact us today to start your revolution!